Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

Lindhard Scholarships Phd Admission in Physics and Astronomy

The Department of Physics and Astronomy at Aarhus University invites applications for 10-15 Scholarships, each covering a 3 or 6 months preparation period for enrolment in the PhD programme. The aim of this honours scholarship programme is to increase international recruitment of top-level students in Physics and Astronomy. The successful applicants are expected to follow courses taught in English and engage in research activities that may lead to formulation of a PhD project.

The Department has a large range of internationally competitive activities, so the PhD-education takes place in a scientifically inspiring environment.

Information about the research activities and the PhD-programme can be found on the Department homepage http://phys.au.dk/en/.

The Scholarship covers travelling expenses and local expenses including housing with 8.000 DKK (roughly equivalent to 1075 Euro) for each month of stay in Aarhus. This amount is sufficient for accommodation and living expenses for one person. Adequate accommodation will be available for the successful applicants.

The Scholarships start on August 15, 2011, one week before the beginning of the official teaching period in the summer of 2011, and they terminate after evaluation of courses and projects, either November 14, 2011 or February 14, 2012.

The minimum background education required is a top 5 % Bachelor of Science degree in Physics, Astronomy, or a closely related subject, and students may apply for a Lindhard Scholarship up to two years after obtaining this degree. An alternative, relevant especially for students with considerable experience after the Bachelor degree, is a 2-week visit to the Department to find a thesis adviser and discuss the formulation of a PhD project. The application procedure and the deadlines are the same for such visits as for the Lindhard Scholarships.

At the end of the Scholarship period the student may in competition with other Danish and international applicants apply for enrolment in a 3 or 4 year PhD-programme. For top level students, chances are excellent to obtain a fully financed fellowship for the whole period (about 300.000 DKK per year).

The application must be submitted online and should include a curriculum vitae, specifics about the background education including a list of grades covering all courses, preferences of fields in theoretical or experimental Physics or in Astronomy, the preferred length of the visit (3 or 6 months or 2 weeks), motivation for the application (max one page) and recommendation letters (max three). Applicants are expected if asked to be available for a Skype interview and successful applicants will be required to submit authenticated copies of certificates.


All applications must be made online and received by:


For more information see www.phys.au.dk/Lindhard.Scholar or contact the Chairman of the PhD-committee, Aksel S. Jensen, Tel: +45 8942 3655, email: asj@phys.au.dk.


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